contemporary iranian cinema

contemporary iranian cinema awards:
Best Supporting Performance:
Adam: Bahare Seddiqi, CHILDREN OF HEAVEN
Josh: Mohammad Kheir-abadi, OFFSIDE
Best Actress:
Adam: Taraneh Alidoosti & Hedye Tehrani, FIREWORKS WEDNESDAY
Josh: Mina Mohammad Khani, THE MIRROR
Best Actor:
Adam: Hossain Sabzian, CLOSE-UP
Josh: H. Farokhnezhad, FIREWORKS WEDNESDAY
Best Meta Moment:
Adam: "I'm not acting anymore!", THE MIRROR
Josh: "I'm not acting anymore!", THE MIRROR
Best Moment/Scene:
Adam: Final frame, MOMENT OF INNOCENCE
Josh: Flower and sunlight, MOMENT OF INNOCENCE
Best Picture:
contemporary iranian cinema marathon watches:
Star ratings out of 5
CLOSE-UP (1990):
Adam: ****
Josh: ****
Adam: ****
Josh: ***
Adam: ***
Josh: ****
THE MIRROR (1998):
Adam: *****
Josh: ****
Adam: ****
Josh: ***
OFFSIDE (2006):
Adam: ***
Josh: ***
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