Martin Scorsese
Completing Martin Scorsese’s filmography*
1. Who’s That Knocking at My Door (1967) -
Apple, Prime, YouTube, Vudu
2. Boxcar Bertha (1972) -
Apple, Prime, YouTube, Google
Mean Streets - Discussed on #261
Taxi Driver - Discussed on #816
Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore
3. New York, New York (1977) -
Library, Amazon DVD
Raging Bull
The King of Comedy
After Hours
4. The Color of Money (1986) -
Apple, Prime, YouTube, Vudu, Google
The Last Temptation of Christ
5. Cape Fear (1991) -
Apple, Prime, YouTube, Vudu, Google
6. The Age of Innocence (1993) -
Apple, Prime, YouTube, Vudu, Google
7. Kundun (1997) -
Library, Amazon DVD
Bringing Out the Dead
Gangs of New York
8. The Aviator (2004) -
HBO Max, Hulu
The Departed - Discussed on #129
Shutter Island - Discussed on #293
Hugo - Discussed on #375
The Wolf of Wall Street - Discussed on #474
The Irishman - Discussed on #751
9. Killers of the Flower Moon (Coming 2022)
*Narrative Features