#679: 2018 Summer Movie Questions
1. How did a 27-year-old male comic make an apparently very good movie “which is so deeply rooted in the feminine adolescent experience”? (EIGHTH GRADE)
2. How far did the apple fall from the Denzel tree? + Can Topher Grace play a menacing character? (BLACKkKLANSMAN)
3. Will the director who made the best movie about angels (“Wings of Desire”) make an equally great movie about God’s representative on Earth? (POPE FRANCIS - A MAN OF HIS WORD)
4. Has Mister Rogers’ time come, or is this the time for Mister Rogers? (WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR?)
5. What will most work for or against SUPERFLY – its updated setting, soundtrack or slant?
1. Can INCREDIBLES 2 return Pixar to greatness?
2. Will THE HAPPYTIME MURDERS be my second favorite puppet show of 2018?
3. Are Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson the comedy team we never knew we needed? (THE HUSTLE)
4. Will SUPERFLY justify remaking a blaxploitation masterpiece?
5. Will WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? reveal that Fred Rogers was actually a monster?